Reggie Brooks Booking

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3 Ways To Book Reggie:
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To assist you in our joint venture, please select from my Bio Packet below:  

1. Introduction To Vacant/Distressed/Abandoned Properties
2. Topics Covered
3. Testimonials - What They're Saying...
4. Reggie Brooks' Biography 

5. Articles...    

5a.  Vacant/Distressed/Abandoned Property Riches    
5b.  Rehabbing For Bigger Profits    
5c.  Free Government Money

6. Sample Presentation Introduction

7. Pictures...    

Small Portrait   
Large Portrait   
Reggie Sitting    
Reggie Standing    
Trump Expo Poster

Why Us

Reggie Brooks is compelled by a desire to payback the generosity and coaching that others have invested into him. His mission is to help real estate investors grow, transform communities and live successful lives.


P. O. Box 3091
Culver City, CA 90231

+1 (323) 702-0424